Abstract Submission Deadline for the 3rd International Cancer Congress : January 20, 2020 at 11:59 AM Nepal time.
All accepted authors attending the conference are required to be registered for the meeting and payment must be received by us no later than January 3rd, 2020. If no author is registered for the conference by January 3rd, 2020, the abstract will be considered withdrawn.
Abstracts will be selected for either oral presentation or ePoster presentation.
Abstracts presented at the 3rd International Cancer Congress will be published in the Journal of Institute of Medicine (JIOM)

General abstract guidelines for the 3rd International Cancer Congress
- Abstracts submitted should not have been previously published or presented at another meeting.
- Abstracts must be written and uploaded in word format. Click here to download the abstract template.
- Abstracts should be no more than 300 words (excluding abstract title, authors, and affiliations).
- Abstracts should be written in English.
- For both primary and co-authors, credentials along with their full first and last names and email addresses must be included. If co-authors are from different institutions, the secondary institution(s) and the institution investigators are associated with must be listed using a superscript.
For example: Investigator Names: Jane Doe, MD 1, Jay Jones, MD, PHD2, Danny Day, MD3
Institutions: 1) Hills Valley Cancer Institute, 2) River Town Cancer Care Center, 3) Cancer Doctors University
Download the abstract submission guideline and template for the 3rd ICC
EMAIL YOUR ABSTRACT: [email protected]
ePoster – We will send you an email with instructions on how to submit and present ePosters if your abstract is accepted for presentation.
The dates and times for ePoster presentations will be emailed to authors and published on this website 3 weeks before the conference
Each author will have 5 minutes to present a poster. At least one author must physically present the poster.