About BTF

The Binaytara Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit established in October 2007 with the goal of bringing positive changes to people’s lives by promoting health and education. As individuals who were born and raised in Nepal and edified by the education and work experience both in Nepal and in the United States, co-founders Dr. Binay Shah and Tara Shah envision a world where every human being has access to cutting-edge, evidence-based, and culturally appropriate health care services.

We achieve our mission by collaborating and partnering with individuals, non-profits, governments, corporations, foundations, and other supporters. In 2013, we partnered with the government of Nepal and the University of Illinois at Chicago to establish Nepal’s first bone marrow transplant center at Civil Service Hospital. This partnership brought a low-cost bone marrow transplant service to the 27 million people of Nepal. Similarly, our partnership with the government of Madhya Pradesh in India will help bring hospice and palliative care services to the 73 million people of that state. We have already established one hospice and palliative care training center in Ujjain District and we are looking at establishing 50 more hospice programs in Madhya Pradesh within the next 2 years.

Since its inception, the Binaytara Foundation has embraced advocacy, education, and innovation to bridge the gap in healthcare delivery, especially in resource-poor communities. Our values of Benevolence (doing good), Transparency (doing good responsibly), and Friendship (doing good together) guide our actions. The Binaytara Foundation leadership consists of highly accomplished and deeply committed individuals eager to make a difference in people’s lives.

Our volunteers, donors, supporters, and staff are capable and highly motivated to aid the Binaytara Foundation’s initiatives to reduce the disparities in cancer health, to improve the quality of life of terminally-ill patients, and to improve access to high quality cancer care both in the United States and abroad. With continued support from individuals, corporations, and partners, the Binaytara foundation is in a strong position to achieve its mission through its highly impactful projects.


The Binaytara Foundation aims to improve healthcare in resource-poor communities and improve cancer care worldwide by collaborating with other organizations, individuals, and governments to develop programs and services that improve access to care.

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